Cycle buddies

Hackney Cycle Buddies puts new riders in touch with experienced riders. Buddies can then meet up and ride together – to work, to the shops, or just to the park for a bit of practice.

New to cycling, and nervous about riding on London’s roads? Perhaps you would like a hand with finding the quietest route to work or the shops, or to do the school run? Sign up to Cycle Buddies and we’ll pair you up with an experienced bike rider who can share their experience of cycling in Hackney and cycle with you while you’re gaining confidence. The video below from has useful tips for getting on your bike again

We are also looking for experienced cyclists to sign up to Cycle Buddies who would like to help a new rider discover the joy and freedom of cycling about. Signing up isn’t a big commitment. We’ll match you with someone who’s keen to gain more confidence on a bike, and you arrange to meet – usually just once or twice. Complete the short form, and help get someone riding! 

We launched Cycle Buddies in September, and have over 60 people signed up. Help spread the word, and help get more people cycling!